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AIP Paleo - Day 4


I must have needed my sleep because I didn't wake up until 1:30 this afternoon. I guess it doesn't help when you wake up throughout the night, every hour on the hour. Sleep deprived maybe? Anyways...the reason for the big Aloha today is because it has only been 4 days on this AIP journey & I feel fantastic! Today is actually the first day I have felt the best EVER. No morning grogginess. Complete mental clarity. A huge boost of sustained energy all day long! NO bloating. The past few days I have been feeling my body go on an up/down rollercoaster to the point, I don't even want to exercise. I was afraid it would exacerbate the symptoms I have been feeling. NOT TODAY! I took it easy of course but I was able to do some light yoga. I felt great! Just a little bit of stretching & a few sun salutations with a cool down but it was enough.

I took it easy on the meals too. I wasn't trying to get creative today. I had too much to do. I had a moment of weakness when pizza was order from Zito's! It smelled so good & all I could think about was the melted cheese and the fluffy crust. I just wanted one little nibble! But I didn't. I had a ShakeO instead. It was for the best. I am happy I didn't cave because I felt great after that shake. It was just the right amount of energy needed to tackle a few tasks on my to do list. I do have to say, the pizza did stay on my mind all day though. I began looking into more recipes for an AIP friendly version & I found one! Well, I found a couple but I found the one I want to try at least. I am having a hard time choosing which sauce I want to use - pumpkin, sweet potato, or a pesto base? I don't know. That will be my next hunt because I don't want this pizza to suck and lead me to getting discouraged. What is life without pizza?!

For dinner, I just reheated the Moroccan chicken & veggies from last nights meal in the oven. Our oven is ancient. It's old enough to be the great grandmother of today's ovens so it took a little longer to warm the chicken. I don't like heating things in the microwave if I can help it because it zaps all of the nutrients out of the food. I added the side salad & whatever was left of the avo-coco dressing. Even reheated, this chicken recipe was bomb! Does anyone even say that anymore? I do. :)

As dessert, I whipped up an acai bowl for Jason and I. Jason went gold panning with his dad in Azusa today. He thinks he caught a bit of heat stroke so the cold acai bowl was a welcome treat for him. If you haven't seen my Acai bowl recipe, check it out here. I included all of the health benefits of every fruit used in my acai bowl recipe. It is literally a concoction of health benefits.

If each day gets progressively better health wise, I will be a happy camper. It is my goal to feel the way I felt today, everyday - if not better. It is so encouraging to feel the results of something you are working so hard for. My cravings are still a challenge but I am using my little triumphs to get past them. If you are preparing to follow the AIP lifestyle, please see this as a source of encouragement that you will get better. Even if you do not have an autoimmune disease & are perfectly healthy, I hope you see the difference proper nutrition can give to lead you on a path to the healthiest you. It is so important to take charge of your health. Even if you have nothing wrong with you now, you do not want to develop health issues in the future. I am not going to say you would be immune to developing health issues. You would at least be giving yourself a fighting chance.


Brittany Bowman

"Don't be afraid! Just believe! You will be healed" - Luke 8:50

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